
Who’s making the games?

Dillon is the founder and CEO of Black Ivy Games LLC. He is a Veteran of the Coast Guard and a Father. Dillon dreams of creating a video game studio that can use its profit to fund advancement in brain interfacing.

Dillon Star

Beloved Contractors and Valued Assets to the Project


Aristeidis is a talented 3D artist who excels in props and buildings. He has created many of the buildings you see in the Feeb Demo and we are so happy to have him as an asset to the project. Check out his Portfolio of art work here! He’s always looking to work on some 3D art.


Fabio is a 3D artist who specializes in character creation. He is a pleasure to work with and always delivers exactly what we're looking for. Check out his artist work here!


Sophia has been striving to grow as a young artist. She started working on assets in this project at 16 years old and is creating concept art and 2D props that hold their own against creators with vastly more experience. She is a pleasure to work with and continues to learn and impress on the daily!